atmosphere background city cooling crossing damp downpour drenched drenching footpath gray grey heavy-rain outdoor outdoors path pedestrians pelting-down pouring-down pouring-rain rain raining roadside Singapore spatter spattering splatter spray stormy streaming street street-scene textures tropical umbrellas unprotected water weather wet wind autumn beauty brown chill closeup cold cool crystal crystals dew fall flora freeze freezing frost frosted frosty frozen glitter grass hoar hoarfrost ice icy lawn leaf macro meadow Morning nature orange plant plants season seasonal snow texture veins white winter bridge culture exercise grassed area lawns leisure light lighting lights park paved paving peaceful public park recreation recreational area relaxing ripples rippling river river views riverside seating seats serene serenity sunlight sunshine tranquil trees walking walkway waterways abstract backdrop blended blue bright circles circular color colored colour coloured curved curves dark decorative design details flow geometric geometrical interconnected intermeshed movement patterns perspectives reflecting semi-transparent shape shaped shapes streams style surface surfaces surfacing textured translucent vibrant wallpaper

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6 0 grade account_circle tropical downpour6
11 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour9
3 0 grade account_circle tropical downpour5
5 0 grade account_circle Cold light...
14 1 grade account_circle down by the riverside
8 1 grade account_circle water circles1
3 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour1b
2 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour8
4 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour7
10 0 grade account_circle tropical downpour3
4 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour2
9 1 grade account_circle tropical downpour4
23 0 grade account_circle paddling spa pool2
32 0 grade account_circle paddling spa pool1
53 8 grade account_circle I'll Fly Away 3
1 0 grade account_circle slow bush stream
1 0 grade account_circle calm palm reflections1
2 0 grade account_circle calm palm reflections3
2 0 grade account_circle calm palm reflections2
209 5 grade account_circle Orange dews
116 5 grade account_circle Paradise 5
251 2 grade account_circle blue wave
17 0 grade account_circle country creek bridge
0 1 grade account_circle liquid trails1
9 1 grade account_circle campsite swimming pool
23 0 grade account_circle campsite swimming pool
6 0 grade account_circle Bottom of the cup
4 1 grade account_circle alien moon1
132 1 grade account_circle Colorful Soda Bottles
170 2 grade account_circle Waves and Bubbles 1
330 7 grade account_circle Waves and Bubbles 2
656 23 grade account_circle Blue Planet
175 8 grade account_circle Bird Silhouette on Branch 1
133 2 grade account_circle Bird Silhouette on Branch 2
164 7 grade account_circle Green Planet
274 7 grade account_circle Paradise
160 3 grade account_circle Paradise 4
81 1 grade account_circle Paradise 2
70 1 grade account_circle Paradise 3
58 0 grade account_circle Tropical
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